Formal mechanisms for identifying property emergence
Identifying emergent properties
High level emergent properties are commonly referred to as "ilities". By investigating this aspect of Integrated Modelling Environments (IME) there is scope for increasing the capabilities of designers in this area.
Using traceability
Traceability techniques can be used to track emerging properties as well as being used to perform validation of data. Development of techniques for the inclusion of design rationale and design reuse can also be included within this. This can also be linked with established MCDM techniques to allow high level optimisation of systems and system of systems.
Our approach
A suitable framework (such as the type developed within the EDC) can be used for the capture and study of emergent properties. This can also be used to investigate the potential for attributing metrics to ill-defined emergent properties, as well as the determination of unanticipated emerging properties (such as behaviour under fault circumstances) and the associated risks.
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Highlight for April 2008
Integrated Modelling for Strategic Planning
Strategic planning for sustainability requires complex systems to be modelled.
Because of this complexity, it is unrealistic to develop new and comprehensive models for each of the numerous possible situations likely to be encountered. Many models already exist ...
Previous highlights
About the Events Diary
Upcoming seminars
The EDC often hosts, arranges or is associated with a wide variety of seminars related to its activities.
These seminars (often in association with an engineering institute) are always open to students and staff at the university and often to the public.
Upcoming events will be listed on this website in the future. Please check back from time to time for updates.