ENG 8016: Advanced computer aided engineering


To give students knowledge and understanding of:

  • Relevant CAE tools and technologies which can assist innovative engineering design activity.
  • The way in which the design process can be modified to take advantage or new and emerging CAE methods.

To give students the opportunity to acquire skills in using and deploying research-led, state of the art CAE tools for engineering design

Image of: Optimising Jobshops using Genetic Algorithms

Optimising Jobshops using Genetic Algorithms


The intended knowledge outcomes will include:

  • An understanding of a range of tools, involving the use of computer-based techniques, for solving general problems in engineering design.
  • Awareness of a selection or advanced CAE tools, including those developed by EDC research projects.
  • Understanding of the need for a business context for design activity.
  • Understanding of the role of international standards in facilitating collaborative, distributed design.

Skills obtained by completing this course will include:

  • Ability to examine the analytical basis of a range of CAE methodologies.
  • Skills in deploying CAE tools in solving design problems.
Image of: Monte Carlo simulation using integrated modelling

Monte Carlo simulation using integrated modelling

Outline syllabus

Business context for CAE tools and the management of engineering data: business requirements; underlying technologies, economic justification, impact on design process.

Managing engineering data and the role of international standards. Product data modelling.

CAE technologies: credible modelling, object oriented design, Bayesian belief nets, knowledge management, optimisation including: multiple criteria methods, genetic algorithms, neural networks. Engineering application of these technologies.

Practical work, which will be drawn from engineering design activities such as:

  • Genetic Algorithms
  • Modelling and Simulation
  • Model Credibility

Where possible, practical work will align with the engineering disciplines of students.

Contact the EDC

For further details of the EDC's activities please get in touch with us through our contact page.

Commercial Research at Newcastle University

A full list of commercially available research facilities for Newcastle University can be found on the Services for Business web pages.

Highlight for April 2008

Integrated Modelling for Strategic Planning

Strategic planning for sustainability requires complex systems to be modelled.

Because of this complexity, it is unrealistic to develop new and comprehensive models for each of the numerous possible situations likely to be encountered. Many models already exist ...

more ...

Previous highlights

About the Events Diary

Upcoming seminars

The EDC often hosts, arranges or is associated with a wide variety of seminars related to its activities.

These seminars (often in association with an engineering institute) are always open to students and staff at the university and often to the public.

Upcoming events will be listed on this website in the future. Please check back from time to time for updates.